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Choosing a Bank for the good of KPR

Find the ideal home or property right for
investment is a process that is not easy in the situation of an economy that is
is not fully conducive to the real sector. The decline in interest rates has not been able to
mendogkrak request such credit consumption KPR.

But we must not continue the way? At this time when you need a new home,
You certainly will not wait for next year or when the interest rate down to
position you want. Because at that time property prices have also increased
while you still may not have sufficient money. To help
financial gain in your new property, we will discuss about
KPR / KPA (Credit Ownership House / Apartments).

KPA KPR and KPR only term we get comfortable, because basically they
same, only slightly different in the item purchased. KPR On the one hand it is very
assist prospective customers to purchase the desired property. On the other hand,
we must be wary and careful in choosing our bank KPR. One-one, you
can hang their own neck and terbelit debt. Here is discussed
some remarkable things when choosing a bank and its products KPR it.

Reputation and credibility of the bank. The name is a good bet. Note
level of credibility and public trust of the bank that offers the KPR.
You can ask the banks to a good reputable developer that you
property interest. Developer even recommend certain banks
KPR option to provide to their customers.
View your ability. Usually the bank requires you to pay at least 30%
advance of the property you buy. The rest then is assisted by the bank in
KPR pinajaman form. If you do not have enough money to pay for
cash advance, search for property that allows the down payment dicicil the time
to ease your monthly burden.
Loans as necessary. Many banks provide credit to the amount of bid
which is very large. Do not tergiur easy. Loans that suit your needs
does not get stuck paying interest of each month.
Note the period of credit. Main principle in borrowing from the Bank
is: the longer the loan period, the greater the cost of interest that you
pay. Try sesingkat loan period may be, of course, appropriate
with your ability. The long time jagka loan, monthly repayments
the small, but the total interest cost you pay is very large
than when you choose a loan period is shorter.
Fixed interest rate (fixed) or dynamic (float)? You must be in KPR
note the type of interest rate used by the bank granting KPR. Use
Fixed interest rate (fixed) means the amount of interest you pay is always fixed
even though there is increase or decrease the interest rate market. When using
the interest rate dynamic (float) the cost of the interest you pay each bula
adjusted to the changes in market interest rates. You should slightly
learn to read the market's financial situation in this case.

Therefore input from us, hopefully you can find the right bank.
Enjoy property-property options in the various places and cities in
Indonesian. Warmest regards.

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