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Should You Split-Test Your Pay Per Click Advertisements?

Most pay per click advertisers have been told to split-test their advertisements. But very few do it. Why is that? Well, most advertisers fail to understand the value of the split-testing and others think it will be too difficult. Split-testing is not difficult, and here are three reasons why you need to split-test:

1. Split-testing allows you to see what works. The formula you use for an advertisement in one niche may not work in another. What worked last month might not work anymore. Split-testing allows you to identify what works better.

2. Split-testing allows you to learn more about your customers. When you split test you can learn critical things about your niche: what is more important to your customers - free shipping or a clear understanding of the price? If you split-test, you can find out.

3. Split-testing allows you to improve your click through rates. In the long run this will increase your quality score and will reduce your bid prices. That means you will save money because you split test.

Split-testing will add a little bit of time to your efforts, but it is an investment. You will learn about your ads, your customers, and your niche. When you are successful with split-testing, you will even see your ad costs reduced, because the search engines reward you for having ads that convert to clicks. Split-testing is all about continuous learning and continuous improvement. When presented with the opportunity, you should continue to learn more about split-testing and anything else that can improve your ad performance.

Michael M Thomas is a Fortune 500 executive by day and an affiliate marketer by night.

Mike writes a free, weekly newsletter which provides tips about pay per click advertising and writing effective ads. Sign up for Mike's newsletter today and you will receive a free copy of Google AdWords Made Easy.

Google AdWords Made Easy is an 85 page ebook that teaches everything from how to generate web traffic, how to write ads, and how to perform keyword research. Click here to sign up and receive your free ebook.

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