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The Purpose of Landing Pages for Your Pay Per Click Advertisements

Pay per click advertisers know that they need to create quality landing pages. The search engines demand it. A quality landing page helps reduce the cost of each click. So what do you need to have on your landing page? There are three main options:

1. Use your landing page as a way to get subscribers to your newsletter. Something as simple as an opt-in form can be all you need to create an effective landing page.
2. Use your landing page to sell a product
3. Use your landing page to allow visitors to download a trial version of your software.

Whatever you do with your landing page, make sure you track what happens. Are people signing up?

It is critically important that you have your keywords on your landing page. However, you cannot simply paste them in haphazardly. Your keywords need to be placed on your landing page in a meaningful order. Ideally you should use your keywords to deliver content to your readers. The keywords on your landing page should match the keywords the user is searching for and the keywords that are in your ad.

Effective landing pages are key to ensuring you have a successful pay per click campaign. Include your keywords in your keyword list, in your advertisement, and in your landing pages. Deliver quality content in your ad and on your landing page and you will get clicks and sales. However, they are only part of the equation. Whenever you have the opportunity, make sure to learn more about landing pages and pay per click strategies. Small improvements can add up to big profits.

Michael M Thomas is a Fortune 500 executive by day and an affiliate marketer by night.

Mike writes a free, weekly newsletter which provides tips about pay per click advertising and writing effective ads. Sign up for Mike's newsletter today and you will receive a free copy of Google AdWords Made Easy.

Google AdWords Made Easy is an 85 page ebook that teaches everything from how to generate web traffic, how to write ads, and how to perform keyword research. Click here to sign up and receive your free ebook.

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