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Unleashed - The Unknown Secret To Cashing In On Pay Per Click Marketing

Many people spend obscene amounts of cash on pay per click marketing such as Google Adwords and lose a ton of money doing it. This is because they are using traditional tactics. While these tactics do work for some, most fail at it. How do you change this paradigm? This article reveals a simple Adwords system that most people don't know about.

When you create a new Adwords campaign, you are given the choice between creating a keyword-targeted campaign or a site-targeted campaign. Most people choose the first choice, which has the ads showing on the search engine's results page. However, the second choice, the placement-targeted campaign, is what we are going to be discussing.

A placement-targeted campaign allows you to target your ads on sites which have Google Adsense ads on them. In other words, it's like the Content Network option, only you have the choice to now target your ads to which site you want them to display on.

So what I want you to do now is to pick a keyword which you know receives a lot of searches. Find the top 3 sites for that keyword, and see if they display Adsense ads. Are they prominent on the page? If they are, that's good news. You can target your ads to display there.

The benefits of these are immense. You can literally pay only $0.01 per click compared to the astronomical costs from normal pay per click advertising! This is because placement targeting works by CPM (cost per thousand impressions), which you means you get to site the price for every thousand impressions your ad receives. If you get a good click through rate for your ads, this can be a great traffic generator.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

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